P's in a Pod

4.4. Unjust Burdens of Marginalized Communities with a Tricultural Writer

Season 4 Episode 4

Meet Danielle Samake: a rising second-year Princeton student from Maplewood, New Jersey. Danielle shares how she has grappled with her tricultural identity as a Jamaican, Malian, and first-generation American. She asks us to reconsider the ways in which we ask too much of marginalized communities, discusses her experiences as a Black woman at Princeton, and imparts wise words on how she stays optimistic. A literary enthusiast, Danielle provides an entire shelf of book recommendations, to which Susan and Anna share a few as well.
*This episode was recorded on April 10, 2021.

Links mentioned:
The Loveland Foundation
Girls Learn International
Vikalp Sansthan
Jatan Sansthan
Danielle's blog

Danielle's book recommendations:

What We Lose  by Zinzi Clemmons
Swing Time  by Zadie Smith
Annihilation of Caste  by B. R. Ambedkar
Half the Sky  by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn
Becoming  by Michelle Obama
Sexual Citizens  by Jennifer S. Hirsch and Shamus Khan

Listen to the 10 lessons learned podcast