P's in a Pod
We believe that college students have experiences, ideas, and opinions that are often underrecognized. This podcast spotlights the unique perspectives, passions, and other p's of Princeton students. | Hosted by Susan Baek and Nathan Gage | Follow us on Insta @psinapod and on Twitter @psinapodnetwork
P's in a Pod
3.6. Perceptions and Platforms with a Baking Enthusiast
Meet Srishti Ghosh: second-year student from Dubai. Srishti discusses how politics has largely become perception and bonds with Ava over their love for baking. An advocate for women empowerment, Srishti has a candid conversation with the other three women on the call about feelings of guilt when it comes to being a "bad" feminist and struggles approaching jealousy and competition among women in male-dominant spaces. Srishti also delivers her hot takes on sparkling water and potato chips, gives her perspective on positivity, and asks the group about the ever-changing dynamics of social media platforms.
*This episode was recorded on December 19, 2020.
Links mentioned:
Future Hope
Dream Children's Home
@nikandlily on Instagram
Alta Mar (High Seas) on Netflix
Las Chicas del Cable (Cable Girls) on Netflix